showing 6 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Diablo Extended Software;Diamond (Classic Image)1987 constructionpuzzle score tilebased labelimageminimize
Fix It Random House1985 5.25disk commercial constructionpuzzle joystick keyboard leveleditor license-proprietary rubegoldbergmachine labelimageminimize
Loopz Audiogenic1991 constructionpuzzle lives score timelimit
[3]***It couldn't be simpler. You get pieces of different sizes and shapes. One by one you put them down on the playing board - soon you've made your first loop. Yeaaaah!

Now it's not so easy. This time you didn't get the pieces you wanted. Never mind - just start another loop.

All of a sudden the board's getting just a little too crowded. Now you're struggling to find a place to drop the pieces (who cares where they go, you can't afford to let the timer run down because you'll lose a life).

Now it's getting really hectic. Did you honestly think this game was simple (and this is you the first level of Game A).

Pretty soon you'll be dreaming about LOOPZ. Wondering if next time you'll be able to make a longer loop than ever before - or more loops than your record. Will LOOPZ drive you crazy? You bet!

- Easy to learn, dangerously addictive - and incredible fun to play
- Game A offers ten skill levels - you'll never beat level 9
- Game B take you through the levels - with special bonus games if you do really do well
- Game C is a real puzzle - well 50 of them to be exact!
- One or two can play - so why not go loopy with a friend! Play co-operatively or competitively, the choice is yours
- Incredible four-channel sampled in game music and sound effects by David Whittaker (Atari ST, Amiga and Macintosh only - IBM version supports Roland and AdLib cards)
Pipe CP Verlag1991 constructionpuzzle magazinecover labelimageminimize
Pipe Mania  Empire;Lucasfilm Games (The Assembly Line)1989 constructionpuzzle savepassword score labelimageminimize
Shape Shop Spinnaker (Joyce Hakansson Associates)1985 constructionpuzzle difficulty lives robots score labelminimizeminimize